Building a Successful Restaurant Communication Plan

Insight Into Communication Plans

There's one word to describe the hospitality restaurant industry- busy. As you're always on the go, it makes sense to have a sound restaurant communication plan in place. If everyone knows what they are doing and following a set of procedures, the dynamic of the workplace changes.
While you might be busy, you're an organized kind of busy. That can ultimately be the difference between a close-knit workplace and one with high staff turnover. So, what do you do if you don't have a restaurant communication plan in place? It's time to get one.

How to Improve Restaurant Communication?

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Communication in any workplace is crucial, but in the restaurant industry, it can be even more so. Both front-of-house and back-of-house workers must work together to provide a memorable dining experience. Without communication, customer dissatisfaction can follow and even poor reviews on social media or other platforms.
To work on your restaurant's reputation and improve overall customer experience, it's worth starting with communication. Here are a few helpful tips for improving it.
One-on-One Chats
It can sometimes feel like there's never any downtime in a restaurant. Therefore, having opportunities to meet with your workers one-on-one are few and far between. Make time, and you can likely reap the rewards.
Schedule informal, paid, half-hour chats in a neutral space before each worker is due to start their shift. During those chats, ask about any concerns they may be having, questions they might have, or ideas about how to improve the daily business operations. Your team is your biggest asset, and you may be surprised at how these get-togethers make them feel valued.
Use a Mobile Manager Logbook
Have you ever thought about how to improve a part of your business during a busy dinner shift, only for it to slip your mind later? If you use a mobile manager logbook, you've got a convenient way to note problems and ideas.
Having it on a mobile platform allows you to share it with relevant staff members, and you can also keep track of whether tasks have been actioned and whether you are ensuring that the customer experience is up to standard.
Invest in Communication Technology
Technology and the restaurant industry go hand in hand. You can use it to take orders, calculate bills, and send new orders to the kitchen. However, you can also use it for restaurant communication.
Smartphone ownership sits at around 81 percent, which means the majority of your team will be able to access a communication app. Within it, you can send out alerts and team communication, while also promoting it as a space for workplace banter.
Encourage Feedback
Feedback is how you learn to improve, make sure to always keep this door open. Encourage anonymous feedback to promote a workplace that welcomes communication. If your staff feel comfortable to voice their concerns, they may feel more confident that any problems they have will be taken seriously.

How to Develop a Restaurant Communication Plan

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Knowing you need a restaurant communication plan is one thing, but putting one in place is another. You may feel like there are not enough hours in the day, but making time for a plan's creation may just reduce the risk of poor communication effects.
Step 1- Outline Your Business and Audience
Before you begin forming your plan, it's crucial to establish what your restaurant is and who your restaurant communication plan is targeted to. Outline your company vision, mission statement, goals, and point of difference.
You can then think about the best mode of communication for your team. For many, that will be smartphone apps. For some, email and phone calls are a preference.
Step 2- Understand the Point of Communication
If you have realized that your workplace needs a communication plan, then something has driven you to that point. Do you lack a method for making sure everyone is on the same page? Are you having trouble defining workplace processes? Do you need a straightforward procedure for launching new marketing campaigns? By establishing your need, you can then choose a communication method that best suits it.
Step 3- Choose Your Communication Channel
You've outlined your business, understanding your need for communication, and now it's time to choose the best platform for your unique business model.
For some, that might be a form of restaurant management software that all team members can access. Or, you may like to stick with scheduled, regular one-on-one and team meetings. Whichever channel you prefer, make sure to stick with it and remain consistent.
The more open and consistent you are with your team communication, the better the impact it will have on customer experience and your bussiness's reputation.


Given how busy the average restaurant business can be, installing a restaurant communication plan can quickly fall to the bottom of your to-do list. However, it should be near the top. Without one, your restaurant may not be operating at its best, and customer service can suffer.
Before it gets to that point, consider the value in setting aside time to focus on your workplace communication-

  • Talk to your team. Find out if they have any ideas on how to improve your business.
  • Set up regular one-on-one work meetings to open the lines of communication.
  • Invest in restaurant software for everyone to access.
  • Understand why it's essential to communicate.

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